1 Cor 4:20
1 Cor 2:2-6
Col 1:25-27
The spirit of entertainment fights against the Holy Spirit. Tongues vs Church programs.
ISA 5:13-14 – Spirit of entertainment enlarges Hell
Carnal thoughts keep people from entering into the miraculous
Bad theology: Saved-only churches, seeker-friendly, no clean-up of personal lives after salvation, hearers only, no healing power seen in pulpit
Humanism – stupid Woodstock/MTV culture, attention seeking, only builds flesh and mind
Faith sees miracles as done
DO IT! Who are you afraid of?
To all Pastors:
- What is your Evangelism Plan?
- What is your Follow up Plan?
- What is your Discipleship Plan?
- What is your Sending out Plan?
Romans 9:17 – we are raised up together with Him to show His power!
ISA 8:18 – We are for signs and wonders
America – the land of toys, gadgets, shows, programs, classes, hobbies.
All replacements for the power of God
Jn 14:12 – Greater Works? How about the “regular” works of Jesus: heal the sick, cast out demons, clean the lepers, raise the dead, multiply food. Freely we have received!
The Kingdom of God has
- Structure – Eph 4:11, 1 Cor 12:28
- Order – disc ourselves
- Vision – See the Kingdom growing
- Purpose – “He must increase”
Substitutes for the power of God
- Carnal minded – especially in your private life
- Legalism, traditions of men – Mark 7:13
- Methods and Formulas (ask them what they have before you pray for them) when you loack power
Gal 3:5 – miracles are done by faith, not by works
Questions to ask yourself:
What does entertainment preach?
For what purpose does it exist?
Who benefits?
What are the people drawn to? The message? The messenger? The Lord?
Intellectualism over Godly character?
“Come on, these are nice christian people doing this show”
For what purpose?
To what end?
Man-made programs replacing the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Is there anyone left hearing the voice of God in this place?
Or is it all program-driven?
Did your pastor download another sermon from the seminary approved list?
Is eloquence replacing power?
Is your church one non-ending list of guest speakers?
Does the message make you laugh or get you healed?
Is there an administrative layer replacing true apostolic and prophetic leadership?
Entertainment has no staying power: it must be “fed” over and over.